Daniel Margolis Posts

  • A Vision of Hope: Victor Johnston

    Apr 25, 2019, 17:34 PM by Daniel Margolis
    Read about how CompTIA’s 2018 Member of the Year, Inspired Business Innovations President Victor Johnston, pays IT forward. Then, nominate yourself or a deserving peer for the prestigious 2019 Member of the Year award, and like Victor, you could be featured in the next edition of CompTIA World Magazine! The application deadline is May 15. Apply today!
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  • Big Perk for Women in Tech: No Bathroom Lines

    Mar 28, 2019, 19:44 PM by Daniel Margolis
    Chloe Condon got into tech via an interesting route – the financial constraints of musical theater. Now she’s advocating to bring more women into the field. Read on to get her tech story.
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  • The CompTIA Communities and Councils Forum: The Room Where It Happens

    Mar 18, 2019, 19:31 PM by Daniel Margolis
    The CompTIA Communities and Councils Forum in Chicago this month saw CompTIA members ranking the Internet of Things first among emerging technologies, and much more. Read on.
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  • How AI Will Unlock Humanity’s True Potential

    Mar 15, 2019, 19:31 PM by Daniel Margolis
    The CompTIA Communities and Councils Forum in Chicago this week tackled some lofty ideas; including the possibility of making the future science fiction has long promised us possible through technology.
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  • CompTIA Community Chair Spearheads ‘Google for Women in Tech’

    Feb 12, 2019, 16:49 PM by Daniel Margolis
    CompTIA's Advancing Women in Technology Community has launched the AWIT Connect, an online directory that compiles all of the tech resources available to women and girls. Learn more!
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  • CompTIA Communities and Councils Forum (CCF) is Even Bigger in its Second Year

    Jan 15, 2019, 01:02 AM by Daniel Margolis
    CompTIA’s communities and councils are great places to connect with like-minded peers and share best practices on a wide range of topics, and this spring they’re all coming together at the CompTIA Communities and Councils Forum (CCF), March 11 to 13, at the Chicago Marriott Downtown.
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  • CompTIA’s Greatest Hits: Our 10 Most Trafficked Blog Entries of the Year

    Dec 18, 2018, 22:55 PM by Daniel Margolis
    The CompTIA blog was everywhere this year; we published a steady stream of articles covering everything about the business of technology and beyond. Take a look at what proved most popular.
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  • The Next Tech Mecca: North Carolina

    Nov 20, 2018, 22:53 PM by Daniel Margolis
    When people think of tech hubs, certain names likely come to mind. Silicon Valley. Seattle. Austin. But a certain state is coming to dominate the conversation around tech – North Carolina. Read on to find out why.
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  • Seven Takeaways from Dare Mighty Things

    Oct 30, 2018, 21:20 PM by Daniel Margolis
    Tech innovation conference Dare Mighty Things hit Chicago this week. Read on to get next steps for blockchain and humanity’s life on Mars, as well as game changers in high-speed transportation, mind-reading, transhumanism and more.
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  • Hurricanes, Am I Right?

    Sep 11, 2018, 21:07 PM by Daniel Margolis
    Hurricane Michael strengthened from a tropical storm to a hurricane over the weekend and looks to hit the Gulf Coast this week. It will likely make landfall on the northeast Florida coastline as a Category 3 storm by midweek. Run down this thorough list of ways to prepare and stay safe.
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